
Adriana Ford

Adriana is an environmental scientist, breast cancer survivor, and founder of the Breast Cancer Art Project. Diagnosed in 2016, the following year she started the project to provide a space for those affected by breast cancer to express their experiences through art. At the same time, art was starting to feature in her professional life, first through working with artists on the topic of wetlands and mosquitoes, and now running an ongoing collaborative project, Wildfires at the Art-Science Interface within her role managing a research centre.

Previously only a hobby artist with causal interest, the last five years have brought art to the fore in Adriana’s life, particularly in realising first-hand its power in expressing experiences, perspectives, and emotions, in a way that other ways of communicating cannot. The Breast Cancer Art Project remains predominantly an online platform, that is inclusive and open to all those affected, in any part of the world although physical exhibitions have been shown at the University of Puerto Rico (Mayagüez), the University of Cambridge, the Tate Exchange in London (in collaboration with Fruitfly Collective), and now in Nottingham in collaboration with NBCRC.

Little things (I missed you)